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Founded in 1952
66 years of hunting and conservation
Feel free to read the history of our club

1952    North Canton Sportsmen Club officers and landowners met in Ben Braucher’s garage at Willowdale Lake and organized the Game Reserve Association and set dues.

1953    The first annual meeting was held in Jackson High School. Deputy Sheriffs were assigned in the field. 100 rabbits were purchased and released.  4,000 trees were planted. Different color arm bands were assigned to sections. Our first raffle netted $55. Membership filled at 113 according to acres available.

1954    Two wild turkeys were released in Jackson Township. 250 pheasants and 100 rabbits released. We became a hunting and fishing license agent. Started an escrow bank account for future land purchase. Made flushing bars for tractors when mowing Membership filled at 172 and 49 landowners.

1955    3,500 trees planted. Sold 398 hunting and fishing licenses.

1956    First Landowner’s Appreciation Dinner was held. Bryce Browning of Muskingum Conservancy was guest speaker. Held a Las Vegas party at Villa Padova Lake Cable. Sponsored Mills Brothers Circus for fund raiser.

1957    General membership dues raised to $9.50. Released 240 rabbits.

1958    Joined the Division of Wildlife’s 50/50 pheasant program.

1959    240 rabbits released. 475 4-week-old pheasants received from state for raising. 300 6-week-old birds received from fly-away pen. 8,500 trees planted. Have 11 license agents. Of 775 birds raised, 500 released on club grounds. Metal arm bands replaced cloth.


1960    Received 1,200-day-old chicks and 300 6-week-old for 50/50 program. Planted 4,000 trees. 528 rabbits released. Started orientation for prospective members.

1961    Membership at 373. Sponsored “Kids Fishing” at Congress Lake. Planted 250 12-inch-high trees.

1962    240 rabbits released. 100 chestnut trees planted. Planted plots of sunflowers. Las Vegas party held. Received 400-day-old pheasant chicks. Received 125 6-week-old pheasants. First field trial held. Members voted 65-63 not to purchase Sippo Lake.

1963    Released 40 quail. Obtained liability insurance.

GRA History Highlights (cont’d)

1964    Last year to receive chicks. Planted 5,000 trees. Released 240 rabbits.

1965    Released 240 rabbits. Released 915 cock birds. Hunting patrol organized. Field trial held.

1966    Planted sweet corn plots. Stocked fish in canal for Kid’s Derby. Released 900 pheasants and 240 rabbits. Received letter from Dan Armbruster (Director of Wildlife) commending GRA for our license report. Purchased electronic for call. Field trial held. Held first raffle.

1967    Released 900 pheasants. 300 attended Landowner’s dinner.

1968    Voted to purchase GRA farm from Marion and Joyce Slemmer. Set up Marion Slemmer Conservation Fund. Field trial held. Fish fry held at GRA farm. Purchased 10 picnic tables. Built 1-acre fly- away pen at farm. Received 500 6-week old pheasants from state. 360 rabbits released.

1969    Released 160 pheasants in spring. 100 pounds sweet corn seed distributed. 100 chestnut trees planted. Held drawing for hunting at farm. 500 pheasants received for fly-away pen. Fish fry held at farm. Junior members must complete hunter safety course before Club approval. Cooperated with Division of Wildlife in having a 3-mile hike through the new Beach City Wildlife area. GRA farm was starting and finish point. 1,237 attended.


1970    Special hunts for youth started. GRA was first club to post a reward for deer poaching. 4,000 trees planted. Ralph Regula, State Senator, was the speaker for our general meeting.

1971    1,200 pheasants released. Fish fry held at farm. Field trial held in October. 580 rabbits released. 80 quail released.

1972    General meeting held, dues and assessments raised to $15.

100 pounds sweet corn seed planted. 4,000trees planted. 424 attended Landowner’s Dinner. Division of Wildlife demonstrated fox trapping. 241 pheasants hatched and released. Corn roast held at farm. Field trial held in October.

1973    Started “in season” release of birds – showed 80% harvested. 200 additional birds released. 180 rabbits released. 320 attended Landowner’s dinner. First Chicken barbeque held at farm. Special pheasant hunt for youth. October 28 field trial held at farm. Farm kitchen remodeled.

1974    Skeet and Trap clinic held. Monte Carlo night held at Louisville K of C. Field trial held in April at Wade farm. Trap house built. Chicken Bar-B-Que held in September. Turkey shoot held at farm. Quick-draw” gun fighters were the entertainment. Made holding pens for “in-season” release of birds. Received 250 6-week-old pheasants. Fall field trial held in October. 380 additional pheasants released. Turkey shoot held at farm.

1975    100 pounds sweet corn distributed for planting. Field trial held in April. 160 birds released in May. Built trap house. Burning of farm mortgage. 250 6-week-old birds received for fly-away pen. Chicken bar-b-que held. Las Vegas night held at Louisville K of C. 350 attended landowner’s dinner. Joined Stark Federation Sportsman Club. Joined NRA. Fall field trial. Signed lease for gas well.

1976    Turkey shoot at Wade farm. 150 quail released. Chicken bar-b-que held in August. Displayed pheasants at Stark County Fair. Fall field trial held. Turkey shoot held in November. 1,100 pheasants released. Landowner’s dinner held. Held spring field trial.

1977    320 attended Landowner’s dinner. Field trial held in April. 900 pheasants released. Held Las Vegas night. Turkey shoot at farm. Displayed at Stark County Fair. Corn roast held at farm in August.

1978    334 persons attended landowner’s dinner. Fish fry at farm in August. Had display booth at Belden Village Mall for National Hunting and Fishing Day. Fall field trial at Wade farm. Had 600 birds stolen from pen.


1980    Fish fry held in April at K of C in Louisville. 200 birds released in spring. Distributed fishing rods to 5th grade students in 7 schools. Rods donated by Buckeye Sports. *00 birds released for fall. 150 quail released. Fall field trial at Wade farm. Had booth at Belden Mall. Mobile home at farm burned.

1981    Fall field trial held.  400 pheasants released.  Fish fry held.  Fishing rods distributed.

1982    Wild game dinner at Louisville K of C.  350 attended Landowner’s dinner held at Malone College.  Distributed wildlife posters to schools.  Had booth at Belden Mall.  Mobile home donated by Ernie Sheaffer.

1983    Car radio purchased for Stark County game protector.  Distributed fishing rods to schools.  650 pheasants released.  Fall field trial held on Easton St.  Set up dog training area


1984    Donated to tip program.  Held landowner’s dinner with 320 persons present.  Distributed fishing rods.

1985    1,250 pheasant released.  Fall field trials held.  Oil well drilled on Slemmer farm.  GRA gets free gas and payment.  Wild game dinner held. Supported trout derby at lock 4.  Distributed fishing rods.  Completed holding pen at dog training area.

1986    150 hens, 50 cock birds released for spring in nesting areas.  Stocked fish in Blackhawk ponds.  200 crabapple trees planted.  Wildlife plots planted at Blackhawk.  Furnished plaque to Quail Hollow park at Hartville honoring Ralph Regula.

1987    2 coyotes killed in dog training area.  200 6-week-old birds received from Division of Wildlife.  Fishing rods distributed.  300 birds released in spring.  600 birds released in fall.

1988    Membership voted dues raised to $12.50. Distributed blue bird houses.  800 birds released.  Fishing rods distributed.  Held chicken bar-b-que.  Received 250 6-week-old birds from state.  Fall field trial held.  Special youth hunt held at farm.

1989    Donated to trout derby at Lock 4. 40 quail released.  250 6-week-old birds received for fly-away pen.  900 birds released.  Fall field trial.  Held chicken bar-b-que.  Built new bird holding pen.  Special youth hunt held.  GRA farm made available for Tuscarawas County agriculture tour.


1990    Donated to trout derby at Lock 4.  80 quail released.  Fishing rods distributed.  Received 250 birds for fly-away pen. Chicken bar-b-que held.  Gun sight shooting held.  Stocked catfish in Blackhawk ponds.  Field trial held. Built new holding pen.  Youth hunt held.  1,000 birds released.

1991    Donated for trout derby at Lock 4.  120 quail released.  Coon dog trial held at farm.  Donated picnic tables to Stark park.  Dedication of special plaque honoring Marion Slemmer for his conservation contribution.  Fish fry held.  Fall field trial held.  Youth hunt held.

1992    Dues voted to $15.  200 trees planted at Blackhawk.  Received 250 1-day-old chicks from state.  Chicken bar-b-que.  1,035 pheasants released.  Youth hunt held.

1993    Law taxing membership dues went into effect.  Supported “Jake” day at Petros park.  Donated to trout derby at Lock 4.  Chicken bar-b-que held.

1994    Voted to increase dues to $20.  Reached agreement with Canton YMCA board to manage Camp Tippecanoe for hunting.  (800 acres).  Released 1,000 birds.  Supported trout derby.  Held chicken Bar-b-que.

1995    Donated toward sound system for District 3 headquarters.  Sold and tore down old barn.  Held chicken bar-b-que.  Donated for “Jake” day.  Donated fishing rods to Y camp.  1,000 pheasants released.

1996    Built picnic shelter at farm. Supported trout derby at Lock 4.  Donated for “Jake” day.  Had work days at Y camp.  Dedication of picnic shelter in memory of Marion Slemmer.  Donated to NRA legislative fund.  Donated to Stark parks.  Donated to TIP program.  Youth hunt held.  1,100 pheasant released.

1997    Youth hunt held.  Donated to TIP program.  Released 1,100 pheasants.  210 attended landowners’ dinner.

1998    Donated to TIP program.  Supported trout derby at Lock 4.  Donated to Y for kids at camp.  225 attended landowners’ dinner.  Donated to Wild Turkey Federation.  Pig roast held at farm.  Rebuilt kitchen floor.  Supported game protectors’ dinner.  License agents switching to computer system.  Switch grass planted.  Held youth hunt.  Purchased pre-owned mobile home.  Membership voted to increase dues to $25.  GRA member appointed to Y camp board.

1999    Gas well drilled on GRA farm.  Released 1,100 pheasants.  GRA entered into agreement with MGHM farms to manage 175 acres for conservation and wildlife area in Tuscarawas county.  Youth hunt held at farm.  Received grant money and donated towards purchase of surveillance system for District 3.  Youth hunt held at farm.  Chicken bar-b-que held.

92-03   Also between 1992 and 2003, under Keith Claus as president, the pheasant building was built and a feed building was donated by Larry Hershberger.


2000    210 attended landowners’ dinner.  Chicken bar-b-que held at farm.  Supported trout derby at Lock 4.  Supported “Jake” day.  Work party at camp Tippecanoe.  Voted additional $5 to dues for land acquisition.  Donated to TIP program.  Donated to Stark Parks. 

2001    Purchased ATV for bird release.  Replaced gas furnace at farm.  Donated print to Turkey Federation.  Donated for “Kids at Y Camp”.  Division of Wildlife presented program on coyotes.  Two GRA members went to Columbus to meet with state legislators.  228 attended landowners’ dinner.  Planted wildlife plots at farm.  Donated for trout derby at Lock 4.  Supported youth to Foresters school.  Donated to OWS.  Supported “Jake” day          

at North Lawrence Club.  Youth hunt at farm.  Two board members attended Ohio Wildlife & Soil seminar.

04-07   Between 2004 and 2007, under Larry Boak as president, the following accomplishments were realized: Started the process to buy the new tractor and brush hog. Built the new pheasant pens. Built the new club house. Filled in the old pond at the farm. Bought 1,100 birds for the farm and Louisville.

08-10   Between 2008 and 2010, under Jeff Bair as president, the following accomplishments were realized: Bought the new tractor and brush hog. Finished the inside of the new club house. Bought the E-Z Go for putting out birds at the farm. Started the gun raffle. Bought the blade for the tractor. Removed the old club house. Set up the new shooting range with benches. Started the youth hunt with 40 participants the first year. Built the new Game Reserve Web Site ( Started buying 1,200 birds per year for the farm and Louisville plus birds for the youth hunt. Built the Lucky X range.


2011    Dan Miller president 2011-2013. Built the platform and installed gravel for the Lucky X bench.

2012    Had 70 participants for the Youth Hunt.

2013    Put siding on both gable ends of the picnic pavilion. Poured concrete floor in the pavilion. Did work on the archery range. Did plowing and seeding at the farm. Gave life membership to Sheriff Tim Swanson. Did trash pick-up along I-77 at the Bolivar exit. Reserved a safe deposit box at the bank for club documents. Sold the E-Z Go and bought a new John Deere Gator 625. A tiller for the tractor was donated to the club. A safe for storing documents was donated to the club. A refrigerator for the club house was donated.

2014    Tony Girard president. Painted the chairs in the club house. Hosted two steak fries at the farm. Sprayed the weeds in the pheasant pens and parking lot. Bought a new insurance policy which saved the club approximately 1300 dollars per year. Planted more grass in the fields. Received state grant of $2500 for the youth hunt. Had two gun raffles this year (total money raised to date on raffles is $45,115). Sprayed the fields to kill briars. Completed and submitted paperwork to get 501c7 tax status. Held Appreciation Dinner.


2015    Received grant for youth hunt and state land birds. Had two-gun raffles. Purchased hats for the youth at the youth hunt. Put new roof on the bathroom building. Held Appreciation Dinner.

2016    Received grant for youth hunt and state land birds. Had two-gun raffles. Removed and scrapped old mobile home. Purchased and installed new/used mobile home. Added skirting to mobile home. Installed patterning board for shotguns. Painted old bathroom building. Purchased new Cub Cadet mower. Purchased shirts for the youth at the youth hunt. Held Appreciation Dinner.

2017    Received grant for youth hunt and state birds. Had two-gun raffles. Held Appreciation Dinner.

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